Communiques of the Authority
  • Guidelines for private and public broadcasters National Assembly By Election No 10
  • Direction to Radio Plus - "Affaire Al Khizr Ramdin" broadcast in "Le Grand Journal"
  • Complaint from the Mauritius Broadcasting Corporation against Top FM - Programme “Hardtalk” of 06 September 2023
  • MBC-News broadcast on MBC TV1 on 260723 at around 18h
  • Complaint Form
  • Breaches in the programme 'Au Coeur de L'lnfo' broadcast by Radio Plus on 28 March 2023 (Complaint from Office of the Speaker)
  • Breaches in the programme 'Au Coeur de L'lnfo' broadcast by Radio Plus Ltd on 28 March 2023
  • Sale of car by competitive bidding - Nissan Tiida
  • Interview Mr Patrick Assirvaden - (Weekend - 19 February 2023)
  • MBC -Potential breach of IBA Code of Ethics and Code of Conduct for Broadcasting Services and direction under section 5(1)(a) of the Independent Broadcasting Authority Act
  • Sale of Car - Nissan Tiida
  • Letter to Radio One 18 Jan 2023
  • Letter to Radio Plus 10 Jan 2023
  • Breaches in the news bulletins by Radio One on 30 May 2022
  • Breaches by Radio Plus Ltd on 28 April 2022 at 12h19 (Direction under section 5(1)(a) of the Independent Broadcasting Authority Act)
  • Breaches Au Coeur de L'Info broadcast by Radio Plus on 11 April 2022 from 5 pm to 6 pm
  • Mr. Sham Mathura against Top FM Ltd - Decision communicated
  • Guidelines for private and public broadcasters - Rodrigues Election 2022
  • Radio Plus Ltd - Letter (12 October 2021)
  • TOP FM - Suspension Letter (15 December 2020)
  • Revocation Notice - Mayfair and Purely Communications Ltd (Planet FM)
  • TOP FM - Suspension Letter (07 June 2020)
  • TOP FM - Suspension Letter (06 June 2020)
  • VIVA VOCE LTEE (Radio One) - Suspension Letter (02 June 2020)
  • TOP FM - Suspension Letter (03 April 2020)
  • Letter to Licensees
  • Letter to Broadcasters for General Election 2019
  • Guidelines for the private and public broadcasters - General Election 2019

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